4 Education
What Goes on at High School?

6 Literature
An Adaptation of The War of the Worlds

10 Music Profile
Flying High: Twenty One Pilots

12 UK Road Trip
The South-East: London

14 Who are the…

16 Interview
Bé Hà Nguyen: Taking the Best from Two Cultures

18 Fashion
In or Out?

20 Technology
The Electric Car Revolution

22 Anniversary
The Day That Changed the World

24 Puzzle
Guess What It Says

25 Television
Marvel’s Loki

26 TV / Media
Living Online (Yes!), Living a Lie (Maybe?)

28 Grammar / Language
Grammar Trouble: Quantifiers with
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

30 Animals
A Wolf’s Work

32 Games
Play to Relax

34 Test
Practice Makes Perfect!