4 Vocabulary
Do You Like Winter?
6 Your Story
My Dear Valentine
8 Grammar
Grammar Zone
10 Story with Pictures
“Beauty and the Beast”
12 Comic
Groundhog Day
14 Board Game
16 Speaking
Speaking Fun
17 Colouring
Let’s Colour
18 Test
Cambridge Official Practice Test:
Pre A1 Starters
24 Traditions
New Year
25 Puzzles
A Postcard from Nairobi
26 Puzzles
Yay! It’s Carnival!
27 Look and Talk
We Love Animals
Do You Like Winter?; pp. 4–5
Task 1: bat 12, crocodile 1, elephant 2, giraffe 3, hippo 4, lizard 10, monkey 5, mouse / mice 11,
penguin 9, polar bear 8, snake 7, tiger 6
Task 2: possible answers – this is very generalised and does not take into consideration the variety of species: hot and sunny: elephant, lizard, snake, giraffe, crocodile / hot and rainy: crocodile, hippo, monkey, tiger, bat / cold with snow: polar bear, penguin, tiger (example: the Siberian tiger) / swimming: crocodile, hippo, penguin, polar bear, tiger / climbing trees: lizard, monkey, snake, tiger (they climb, but don’t really like it) / eating at night: bat, mouse, tiger, crocodile
Task 3: starfish.
s | n | a | k | e | T | i | G |
i | r | a | f | f | E | l | E |
g | e | e | l | e | P | i | R |
e | s | t | n | a | H | z | B |
l | u | o | m | d | R | a | a |
i | d | o | c | o | R | c | t |
Task 4: giraffe, bat, lizard, snake, hippo
My Dear Valentine; pp. 6–7
Task 3: It’s for Sandy. / It’s from Jack. / He likes her pencil case. He thinks she is scary. She makes him smile and sing. / Coconuts, sweets and unicorns.
Task 4: A heart.
Grammar Zone; pp. 8–9
Task 2: 1 jumps, sees; 2 don’t / do; 3 play; 4 do / live; 5 does/ drive; 6 loves; 7 do, want
Task 3: 1 does, go, goes; 2 do, swim, swim; 3 do, play, play; 4 knows, don’t, know; 5 Does, like, doesn’t, like; 6 does, say, says
Beauty and the Beast; pp. 10–11
Task 2: 1E; 2F; 3A; 4B; 5D; 6C
Groundhog Day; pp. 12–13
Task 1: 1 Canada; 2 February; 3 winter; 4 animals; 5 think; 6 shadow; 7 weeks; 8 spring
Task 2: words to follow: February – shadow – weeks – think – Canada – animals – winter – spring
Let’s colour; p. 17
Task: a dragon
Official Cambridge Practice Tests, Pre A1 Starters; pp.18 –23
Listening Part 1: Lines should be drawn between:
1 Pat and the boy running in the playground / 2 Grace and the girl with long, brown hair, clapping her hands / 3 Dan and the boy carrying a ball, wearing glasses / 4 May and the girl next to a woman, carrying a box / 5 Sam and the boy on a bike, wearing a baseball cap
Listening Part 2: 1 19; 2 Lucy; 3 5; 4 Zebra; 5 11
Listening Part 3: 1C; 2B; 3A; 4C; 5B
Listening Part 4: 1 Colour the fish on the chair – orange / 2 Colour the fish in the cat’s mouth – blue / 3 Colour the fish on the floor – purple / 4 Colour the fish on the bag – yellow / 5 Colour the fish on the poster on the wall – green
Traditions; p. 24
Task 1: 1 dragon, 2 fireworks, 3 party, 4 parade, 5 evening, 6 sun; grapes
A Postcard from Nairobi; p. 25
Task: Hujambo!; Penguins don’t live in Kenya.
Yay! It’s Carnival!; p. 26
Task: 1 jester; 2 mask; 3 band; 4 float; 5 costume
Look and Talk; pp. 27–28
Task 2: Mouse.
2024-01-08 2024-02-08