4 Vocabulary
Body and Face
6 Your Story
The Magic Potion
8 Grammar
Grammar Zone
10 Story with Pictures
The Fox and the Crow
12 Comic
Halloween Night
14 Traditions
Indigenous Peoples’ Day
15 Puzzles
A Postcard from Canberra
16 Speaking
Speaking Fun
17 Colouring
Let’s Colour
18 Puzzles
200% Wolf
19 Look and Talk
I Spy with my Little Eye

Audio MP3
CD Track 12 - Body and Face, Task 1, pp 4-5
CD Track 14 - Body and Face, Task 4, pp 4-5
CD Track 15 - The Magic Potion, Task 3, pp 6-7
CD Track 18 - Speaking Fun, Task 2, p 16
CD Track 20 - Look and Talk, Task 3, pp 19-20
W Track A - The Fox and the Crow, Task 1, pp. 10, 11
W Track B - The Fox and the Crow, Task 2, pp. 10, 11