Popis čísla časopisu.


Trick or Treat; pp. 4–5

TASK 1: 1 skeleton; vampire; ghost

TASK 2: bed 2; bedside table 1; bookshelf 10; candle 7; chair 5; chest of drawers 9; door 16; lamp 3; mirror 6; owl 15; poster 12; spider 8; table 4; toothbrush 14; toothpaste 13; wardrobe 11

TASK 3: (sample answers) bedroom: bed, bedside table, bookcase, bookshelf, candle, carpet, chair, chest of drawers, clock, desk, lamp, mirror, owl, poster, rug, spider, table, television, wardrobe; living room: armchair, bookcase, bookshelf, candle, carpet, chair, clock, lamp, owl, rug, sofa, spider, table, television, wardrobe; bathroom: bath, candle, mirror, spider, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower, sink, towel, washing machine; kitchen: candle, chair, clock, spider, table, fridge, dishwasher, cupboard, sink

TASK 4: the English teacher – a skeleton; the history teacher – a witch; the art teacher – a vampire; the maths teacher – a monster; the science teacher – a ghost; the PE teacher – a werewolf; the music teacher – a zombie; The Answer: living room

Scary Pumpkins and Happy Skeletons; pp. 6–7

TASK 1: 1 H; H; D; D; H: D; H

Strange Places to Stay; pp. 8–9

TASK 1: 1 The Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort is furthest north; The Null Stern Hotel is in the mountains; The Addams Mansion Hotel is like a film.

Prepositions of Place: from left to right: in, behind, in front of, between, under,

next to, on, above

TASK 2: You can sleep under the stars and 400 metres above the ground at Natura Vive Skylodge. This hotel in Peru is on a cliff, and we don’t mean on the top of the cliff. There is no lift. To get between the ground and the hotel, you must climb, hike and use zip lines. It is very hard work. But look at the view!

What Is Your Perfect Room? p. 10

TASK 1: 1F; 2T; 3F; 4T; 5F; 6F

Lights in the Night; p. 11

TASK: 1 Day 3; Day 5; Day 4; Day 1; Day 2

America the Beautiful: Super Lady Looks for Superlatives; pp. 14–15

TASK 1: 1 New York; Washington, DC; Joe Biden; Alaska; The One World Trade Center; 329.5 million people

TASK 2: 1 Disneyland is in Anaheim and Americans call it “the happiest place on earth”; Walt Disney designed Disneyland which opened in 1955; At Disneyland, you can visit Sleeping Beauty’s castle and meet Mickey Mouse; Many American parents think visiting Disneyland is an important part of

childhood; In 2020, 3.67 million people visited Disneyland.

Animals in Danger; pp. 16–17

TASK 1: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4a; 5c

Hocus Pocus 2; pp. 18–19

TASK 1: 1D; 2E; 3A; 4C; 5B

TASK 2: 1D; 2A; 3E; 4B; 5C

Two Truths and a Lie; pp. 20–21

TASK 1: Story 1 is not true.

TASK 2: 1d; 2e; 3f; 4a; 5b; 6c

Olivia Rodrigo; pp. 22–23

TASK: A star; door, hand, dark; face; saved

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; pp. 24–25

TASK 2: 1C; 2B; 3A; 4C; 5A; 6D

We Come in Peace: 45 Years of the Voyager Golden Records; p. 27

TASK 1: A4; B2; C1; D5; E3

Cambridge YLE Movers; pp. 28–33

Listening Part 2: 1 garden; white; milk; square; Peanut

Listening Part 4: 1C; 2B; 3B

Reading & Writing Part 1: 1 a cloud; a shoulder; the moon; cheese; a dolphin; a bottle

Reading & Writing Part 2: 1A; 2B; 3C; 4C; 5A; 6B

Reading & Writing Part 3: 1 city; balcony; went; boring; ate; chocolates; Isabelle’s holiday

Reading & Writing Part 4: 1 which; them; all; eat; because

Puzzles; pp. 34–35

TASK 1: A drawers; door; bookshelf; armchair; bedside; bookcase; wardrobe; kitchen; lamp; bath; bedroom; living; sofa; poster; chair; bathroom; rug; mirror

TASK 2: 1 Jack-o’-lanterns first came from China. F; In the movie The Wizard of Oz there is a good witch. T; A poltergeist is a kind of ghost that sings. F; Skeletons are made of more than 200 bones. T; Cats have nine lives. F


2022-10-01 2022-11-01