Jarné konferencie pre učiteľov angličtiny s Bridgeom
Milí učitelia angličtiny,
v průběhu března a dubna se s námi můžete setkat na následujících konferencích pro angličtináře. Navštivte náš stánek, prohlédněte si naše anglické časopisy PLAY, READY, GATE a BRIDGE a doplňkové materiály a popovídejte si s našimi zástupci. Na stánku se můžete seznámit i s učebnicemi National Geographic Learning. Přijďte a odneste si materiály domů.
Pro konferenci ATECR 2024 Global Voices (6. 4. Praha) jsme spolu s našimi autory připravili dva nové, inspirující semináře: Join the Adventure: Stories with Ready and Play (Anastasia Mouser) a Bizarre Britain: Holidays, Customs and Traditions (Liam Peach). Více informací se dozvíte níže.
Těšíme se na vás!
The 30th P.A.R.K. Conference, Brno
- Jazyková škola P.A.R.K. organizuje 30. mezinárodní konferenci pro učitele angličtiny.
- Kdy: 23. března 2024
- Kde: Biskupské gymnázium, Barvičova 666/85, Brno
Inspiration Day, English Language Conference, Jihlava
- Kdy: 26. března 2024
- Kde: Gymnázium Jihlava, Jana Masaryka 1560/1, Jihlava
ATECR 2024 Global Voices
- Asociace učitelů angličtiny ČR pořádá 19. mezinárodní a 23. národní konferenci.
- Kdy: 6. dubna 2024
- Kde: Pedagogická fakulta UK, Magdalény Rettigové 47/4, Praha 1
Across cultures, people tell stories to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences. Stories can teach lessons or spread news; they can make us laugh or bring us to tears. Good stories are always engaging, and what better way to teach and motivate young English learners with stories and storytelling? In the seminar Join the Adventure: Stories with Ready and Play, our deputy editor, Anastasia Mouser, invites you along to learn how to harness the power of stories in our magazines to get students reading and telling stories of their own in English.
Anastasia moved to Prague in 2012 after graduating from the University of Washington with a B.A. in English language and literature with an emphasis on creative writing. She spent the last decade teaching English to young learners before joining the BRIDGE team in 2022, where she enjoys combining her passions for writing and teaching.
Britain is a country full of curious customs, odd observances and peculiar practices. Often very localised, many of these strange festivals and celebrations have been carried out for generations and still survive today. From runaway wheels of cheese to violent mass sports, these habits are uniquely British. Join Liam on a tour of some of Britain’s more eccentric local traditions, as written about in GATE and BRIDGE magazines, and which are sure to arouse the interest of both teachers and students alike.
Liam Peach is originally from Britain. For several years he has been working as a writer, editor and speaker for Bridge Publishing House and National Geographic Learning. His teacher-training workshops focus on life in English-speaking countries and introducing modern teaching methods into everyday lessons.